Author Archives: HelenFern

Happy Thanksgiving

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Chili Dog Casserole

Who doesn’t love a good chili dog!! Here’s a really easy weeknight meal the whole family will love – a different twist on a classic favorite! Great with leftover chili!

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #342

What a week. Bright and early Tuesday morning I spilled coffee into my computer – CRASH! The keyboard shorted out. So I bought a wireless keyboard, but the old one is still randomly adding characters to things I try to … Continue reading

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Finding Cooking Appliances That Do The Hard Work For You

Everyone knows that cooking can take a lot of time. This sort of activity can keep you standing in the kitchen all day, working hard to produce meals that the people around you will love. Of course, even those with … Continue reading

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Follow A Meal Plan? Here’s How To Stick To It

Quite a few people have considered dieting at some point or another, however, many people,  like me, have trouble sticking to it. Part of this is trying to stick to a meal plan. There are multiple reasons for the difficulty, … Continue reading

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