Author Archives: HelenFern

What’s for Dinner #348

First – please let me apologize for not visiting your posts. I am having problems with my computer. One has completely crashed and the other is on it’s way out – I’m typing this on my iPad hoping I can … Continue reading

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Happy New Year! And Thanks.

First, let me apologize for being so absent the last couple weeks. I’m having computer problems = I’ve been rather frustrated. Anyway – THAT being said; Can you believe the year is gone? I’m still pondering that. It’s been quite … Continue reading

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The Best Healthy Food Tips for Busy People

Whether you’re on the go for work or pleasure, it’s important to have variety in your diet. Living on the go, it’s important to have healthy options at all times. Try out some of these healthy meals to help you … Continue reading

Posted in Informational | 2 Comments

10 Hearty Winter Soups!

I live in the upper Willamette Valley. The part I live in is often referred to as the banana belt. When it snows we rarely get any. But it’s been COLD since the day after Christmas. We got a couple … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #347

I hope everyone who celebrates had a fabulous Christmas. As for me, not only was if a wonderful holiday, we have snow in the Willamette Valley!! I love snow. So here I sit, fire going, watching the snow falling and … Continue reading

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