Author Archives: HelenFern

Dried Sugared Orange Slices

I’ve seen dried orange slices in the craft store, but I never thought of them as a snack (Please don’t eat the ones from the craft store). At one of our visits to Trader Joe’s (yes, we shop there often), … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #349

It’s been a long month so far. Computer problems, snow and now flooding. I am grateful that nothing serious has hit our family and pray for those families that have been adversely affected. Now our heater is refusing to work! … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Gorgonzola Cream Sauce over Gnocchi

At our house we eat a lot of gorgonzola and other blue cheeses. We purchased a package of gorgonzola gnocchi at Trader Joe’s and really liked it. I decided to try to create a similar dish – with my own … Continue reading

Posted in gnocchi, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Pork Loin with Green Beans, Onions and Mushrooms

I found this beautiful roast on sale – a treasure these days with the price of meat!! I pulled out some frozen green beans that I grew this summer and a few mushrooms left from the frittata I made for … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, pork | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Top Ten Posts of 2021

Are you ready for the 2021 Top Ten Posts? Can you believe another year is behind us? It’s 2022 already! Where did the time go. During the last year I retired from my job as a child care center director, … Continue reading

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