Author Archives: HelenFern

What’s for Brunch? A Smoked Salmon Frittata

We used to enjoy having a Sunday brunch. It was a way to kiss the weekend and prepare for the work week ahead. We are both retired now and we have brunch any day of the week! This dish is … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tofu Tacos for Taco Tuesday!

We’re trying to eat a lot less meat at our house. I did an experiment with tofu for tacos and I have to say they came out pretty darned good.

Posted in Main dish, Meatless | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #360

The weather here has been beautiful!! Finished up all the inside projects (my house is starting to look pretty good!). This week I’ll be working outside in this glorious spring weather-Getting my veggies going; cleaning up from winter; trimming, thinning … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Cashew Cheese Sauce – Vegan

Cashew cheese? Yep – and it’s delicious! As I’m looking for heart healthy options for meals, I’m trying to eat more unprocessed vegan options. My sister makes a cashew cheese and I’ve seen it on several cooking shows, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Condiments | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments

Easy Zucchini & Sausage Casserole

Zucchini and sausage go together like soup and sandwich. I found out my cholesterol is too high and the plan is to try to bring it down through diet and exercise over the next six months to stave off having … Continue reading

Posted in Casseroles, Chicken | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments