Author Archives: HelenFern

2 Ways To Make Your Life Easier

You are a busy person. Running around between family obligations, work responsibilities, maintaining a social life, and making time for yourself is incredibly difficult to manage. Take action and try some of these tips and ideas to make your life … Continue reading

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Freezing Bananas – To use one at a time later!

I bought too many bananas!! Three of them got pretty over-ripe, but it’s simply too hot to turn the oven on to make bread or muffins! Freezing is the only option. Usually, when I freeze them, they get all mushed … Continue reading

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Peach Waffles with Salted Caramel Sauce

It’s Peach Season!! I love those fresh peaches. Here’s a recipe for peach waffles that will make your mouth sing. And the caramel sauce is not only delicious on the waffles, you can use it on ice cream or dipping … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #380

Happy Sunday!! It’s been a good week – getting things done and harvesting from my garden. I grew some tromboncino squash this year. Never heard of it before but the plant was really cool. It’s a summer squash that vines … Continue reading

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Prosciutto & Parmesan Pasta

Pasta, pasta, pasta – we love anything pasta! This one pairs the saltiness of prosciutto with the sweetness of fresh parmesan. Each bite is burst of  delicious in your mouth!

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