Author Archives: HelenFern

Rustic Potato Soup

I love fall and winter because it’s soup season. Who doesn’t find a warm bowl of soup satisfying and comforting? This rustic soup is packed with creamy potatoes, spicy sausage and delicious vegetables. It doesn’t take long to prepare either … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, Soup | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

National Spaghetti Day (A Day Late) – Brown Garlic Spaghetti

Yesterday was National Spaghetti day and this post was supposed to go out yesterday. Unfortunately, as some of you may have noticed, I had a little trouble. There was a “template” post that was posted, twice, in error. I gave … Continue reading

Posted in Pasta, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #296

Happy New Year! 2020 is in the rear view mirror and ahead is a year that can be what we make of it! I choose a word to focus on each year, then reflect on it at the end of … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Top 10 Most Visited Posts of 2020

Are you ready for the 2020 Top 10 Posts? The wild year is behind us. And now we are starting a new year with new possibilities. But 2020 wasn’t all bad. There were some high points and we had a … Continue reading

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Bacon Wrapped Individual Meatloaves

It’s National Bacon day! A form of bacon dates back to 4900 BC. The Chinese made a salted preserved pork belly. The idea made it’s way west and variations can be found in both Greek and Roman menus. The name … Continue reading

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