Author Archives: HelenFern

What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #298

So many things going on right now- kids getting ready to get back to school. Getting the covid vaccine then NOT getting the covid vaccine. Crazy news and enough stress to go around. My goal for 2021 is to “explore” … Continue reading

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It’s National Bagel Day!

Today is National bagel day – a day to celebrate this ring of boiled dough. So, what exactly is a bagel? Unlike the donut, a bagel is a type of boiled bread. The hole helps it to cook through. The … Continue reading

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20-Minute BBQ Tempeh

If you’re on a bit of a health kick this year, you might be wondering how you can continue eating all your favorite foods without damaging your body. Most people think that eating delicious and healthy food is impossible. But … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, Meatless | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Malaysian Coconut Chicken Curry and Rice

 I love chicken and rice. It seems every country has a version of it and I’m loving finding some of the delicious ideas. I had a dish similar to this one and played with the idea. There are many types … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #297

Hard to believe we are now one week into 2021. So many things have happened in this week that give pause for reflection. It’s been cold and rainy here and hard to even get outside. So I’m trying to stay … Continue reading

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