Monthly Archives: June 2020

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #259

Boy can things change fast! 2020- Lets just fast forward and be done with you!! I was supposed to return to work this coming Monday – As much as I’ve enjoyed working in my yard, I do miss the people … Continue reading

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Grammy’s Goop – Depression Era One Pot Meal

When I was growing up mom used to make a dish she called Goop. She explained to us that during the depression, meat was rationed. People had to stretch the little bit they had for every meal. My maternal grandmother … Continue reading

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Oven Smoked Ribs

We love ribs, but getting out the smoker and smoking them takes a lot of time – time we don’t have these days! But we love the flavor of smoked foods. Although this is not a replacement for real smoked … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, pork | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #258

I’m gearing up to go back to work and trying to adjust my schedule to fit everything in. And I’m not doing too well. But in spite of everything that has to be done, you still have to eat. Come … Continue reading

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Picnic Time!

It’s that time of year where we pack a picnic basket and head off to the park or the beach for a family meal. Sometimes it’s all packed in the basket and ready to eat, other times it includes a … Continue reading

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