What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #480

I’m planning what’s for dinner this week. It’s too hot to cook, so what do you suggest? Help me plan some meals!

I love lazy summer afternoons. I love to sit on the deck, looking out at our completely imperfect and total beautiful yard, sipping coffee and munching on homemade treats. It’s the perfect place to think and plan.


We have a collaboration of ideas here ~ And we want yours! Bring up to FIVE of your food related posts (If you host a party that allows recipes, feel free to share it here)!

It’s What’s for Dinner! Or lunch, breakfast and snacks!

Please try to visit a couple of other posts and leave them a comment – we’re all here for support! 

Last Week’s Most Popular Posts!

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Minty Watermelon Granita

We had a party for the 4th of July. I bought a big watermelon – I mean what’s a summer bbq without it? Needless to say I had a full half a melon left for the two of us – and that’s after I sent some home with everyone!

You can only eat so many minty watermelon feta salads. Then it got really hot out! I wanted something cold but I didn’t want to go to the store. And then the ah ha moment!!

I’ve made granita before and I had everything I needed on hand. Once I decided what all I was going to use (mint or lemon verbena or lemon balm or …), I went out back and picked some mojito mint.

The finished granita was just very slightly minty and very refreshing! Continue reading

Posted in granita, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #479

It’s July and it’s hot. The challenge is to make a dinner that everyone wants to eat, but has little prep and clean up. Who wants to do chores after dinner on a hot, sweltering day? Not me!

Show us the delicious meals you eat on a dog day afternoon. 


We have a collaboration of ideas here ~ And we want yours! Bring up to FIVE of your food related posts (If you host a party that allows recipes, feel free to share it here)!

It’s What’s for Dinner! Or lunch, breakfast and snacks!

Please try to visit a couple of other posts and leave them a comment – we’re all here for support! 

Last Week’s Most Popular Posts!

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Got 4th of July Leftovers? Here are some ideas

First – sorry this post is so late!! My website was having problems and I couldn’t get on to post!! But it’s back!!

The 4th of July is over. Did you have a party or go to one? We had a barbecue and have to many leftovers I’m trying to figure out what to do!!

As I searched Pintrest and google I thought, maybe, you all were having the same dilemma! So I put together some ideas for you to use up those burgers and sausages and corn.

Just click on the picture to go to the recipe! Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #478

Can you believe the 4th of July is this Thursday? That went fast! Are you planning a party? What are you serving for dinner? 

Well come on in and share your ideas – or find a recipe that will be a perfect summer meal!


We have a collaboration of ideas here ~ And we want yours! Bring up to FIVE of your food related posts (If you host a party that allows recipes, feel free to share it here)!

It’s What’s for Dinner! Or lunch, breakfast and snacks!

Please try to visit a couple of other posts and leave them a comment – we’re all here for support! 

Patriotic Features!

Thanks for your support. Now check out all the features – than share your own this week!

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